
Oct 26, 2007

Accused speeder to cops: My GPS proves your radar gun is wrong

GPS-based tracking devices don't just help you figure out where you are and where you're going, they might also help you avoid a speeding ticket. Shaun Malone of California is contesting a speeding ticket in that state by arguing that his GPS-based tracking system shows that the officer's radar gun was wrong.

Malone, a 17-year-old who was clocked doing 62 MPH in a 45 MPH zone on July 4 of this year, has more than just a GPS on his side. As the AP reports, his stepfather Roger Rude is a retired sheriff, and is pushing Malone to fight the ticket. (As an aside, how awesome would it be to be Sherriff Rude?)

Ironically, Malone's parents had the GPS system installed in order to track the whereabouts and speed of their son, whom they readily admit has a lead foot. In fact, he has already been grounded for having gone over 70 MPH after the GPS was installed. Nevertheless, Malone's parents say that the data on the day in question shows that their son was not speeding in the vicinity of where the ticket was issued.

While many GPS systems don't log travel details extensively enough to be used as a defense against a moving violation, Malone's car was outfitted with a device that could do just that. According to Rude, all recorded plots on Malone's route show him to be driving under the speed limit. At the same time, Rude says, GPS-systems are clearly more reliable than radar systems, which, while good, are "not an infallible tool" and are subject to human error.

A Sonoma County traffic commissioner has to decide whether the GPS system can be accepted as a basis to challenge the ticket, but ex-sheriff Rude is prepared to push his case in court in the event of an unhappy outcome.

The debate is likely to come down to how often the GPS device calculated and reported ground speed. Petaluma police lieutenant John Edwards told the AP that since GPS is satellite-based, there's a delay involved, and that Malone may have sped up and slowed down in the window between measurements, which could be as long as 60 seconds.

GPS tracking systems like the one in Malone's car are becoming an increasingly popular way for parents to keep tabs on their kids, an outgrowth of the initial use of such devices in car fleets and trucking. Many consumer-oriented GPS navigation systems also have these capabilities, but Malone's was hardcore: the system would even e-mail his parents in the event that he drove too fast.

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