Waterfuel - so why do we need oil ?This is quite interesting using what they call HH2 gas, this company is working on using water to power cars or weld things. Currently they have a test vehicle which runs as a hybrid with water and fuel but they say they can run exclusively on water alone...
While the technology may not be as unique or breakthrough as the reporter and company spokesman claim (it seems to be based on an electrolytic process commonly known as "Brown's Gas."), it's still a great story to watch, and then do some fun follow-up research on.
I wish there was some more info about this but for now this video will do. Hopefully we can see this technology in service sooner then later
Nov 29, 2007
Car can run on water and nothing else , so why do we need oil ? Big Question
Nov 17, 2007
LCD TVs getting slimmer
Sharp, Hitachi and JVC are taking the bulk out of large LCD televisions.
All three manufacturers are showing off LCD TVs at the Ceatec electronics trade show in Japan this week, with panels that are less than 25 mm thick. The TV stand and the electronics add bulk, but the electronics can be put in the base of the stand or in a unit that connects to the TV wirelessly.
Hitachi showed off the thinnest model at the show, a 37-inch TV with a panel that measured only 19 millimeters thick. Sharp showed off a 52-inch TV with a 20-millimeter thick panel. There are 25 millimeters to an inch. A typical thin LCD panel on the market today is about 50 mm thick, according to Hitachi.
JVC's was the thickest of the three at 22 millimeters, but the company also likes to point out that it will be selling its thin LCD TVs in some markets in early 2008. The sets will start at 42 inches and get larger from there. Hitachi won't come out with its thin TV until 2009 and Sharp has been tight lipped about when it might release its thin LCD.
All three manufacturers are fairly vague about how they accomplished their respective feats. Hitachi says it's the light source it's putting in the TV, however, the company won't say what the light source is. JVC is using a fluorescent light source, not LEDs, but it won't get more specific than that.
Everyone is also tweaking the performance of their TVs in other ways. JVC, for instance, showed off a technology for reducing image noise in LCD TVs. Software in the TV creates a 3D simulation of images coming across the TV. It then tweaks the 2D image that will come across the TV to you by data it obtains in the 3D simulation to make a more accurate image.
Hitachi, meanwhile, said it will try to make a lot of news at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January. The company wants to move upmarket in TVs by emphasising, among other factors, industrial design.
Nov 14, 2007
How to Evaluate DLP, LCD, Plasma TV and HDTV Quality
- Know the environment where you will use the TV. The level of ambient light will be a major factor. Also know the viewing distance--this will determine the size or resolution that will look the best.
- Know the program material that will be viewed. Most video sources including DVDs are 480. HDTV signals are usually 1080 sometimes 720.
- Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each technology to make an informed choice--see tips below.
- Carry a few test DVDs into each store so you are always seeing the same scenes. Note that the setting (viewing distance/angle, especially ambient light) will make a difference in the perceived quality. The settings/calibration can make some difference too.
- Keep notes with model numbers and relative rankings between units since you will likely not be able to compare all models side-by-side at one store.
- Don't buy much more than you need in size, resolution, or technology. If you have the space and easy access, getting a used previous generation top-of-the-line CRT rear-projection TV from for the large dark rec room might be just the ticket.
- Each technology has its strengths and weaknesses and so you have to pay attention to different aspects to access the total quality of a TV in the intended environment.
- DLP is thinner than CRT/LCD rear projection TVs. They are also brighter so more suitable where there is more ambient light. Its weakness is in producing dark blacks, especially closely spaced dark and light features. Use scenes with a fine high-contrast texture, such as a white cliff face with black speakles. The best latest DLP TVs will look good, while others will look washed-out, gray and blury. Another good scene is a distant view of a forest with a mixture of rich green leaves and black shadowy underbrush.
- LCDs tend to look like computer screens with unstable shimmeriness especially on silvery medium-light grays. Dark blues and grays approaching black are usually not well produced. Watch fast scenes like sports with a small ball (tennis, golf) as LCD refresh rates are not as fast. Watch slow panning scenes for artifacts that don't move with the panning scene. One cause for this may be variation in pixel response due to manufacturing tolerences. Another cause may be the smoothing technology to upsample a TV or DVD signal to 720 ro 1080--this is true with other technologies too. There are differences in the implementations, so it matters too.
- Plasma is considered to be the best. It can look hyper-real or exaggerated or lack that movie-theatre film quality of projection TVs. There are however considerable differences between models. The burn-in problem is not as bad as the earlier generations and with careful use, not much worse than normal CRT direct view TVs of decades ago. Plasma is a superheated gas and as such generates heat which may require extra cooling if already a concern in your home
- .
Learn About Plasma TVs
- Realize that plasma tv's are not that expensive. Most good 42" plasmas cost about the same as a good 50" DLP or LCD rear projection TV, and they tend to cost less than flat panel LCD's of the same size.
- Know that most plasmas don't necessarily have the most pixels. The larger (40" and up) flat panel LCD's most often have the highest resolution. While this is important, it is not the MOST IMPORTANT part of a TV.
- Don't just buy a plasma or other flat panel TV to "save space." This is occasionally a concern of people, but really most people buy a plasma because they want to wall mount a TV.
- Be aware that pretty much ALL HDTV's are "horizontal rectangles" otherwise known as widescreen and have an aspect ratio of 16x9 as opposed to traditional 4x3. This includes high-def LCD's, Plasmas, CRT's, and Projections.
- Burn-in is not really an issue with plasmas anymore. It can happen, but it is difficult to get, even with video games. If burn-in does occur, it is usually reversible, which is why most experts in the electronic industry now call this "image retention" rather than "burn-in."
- Plasmas are not obsolete. LCD's and plasmas are about the same age as far as the technology goes and the availability to consumers. Additionally, a good plasma does not use much power.
- Look at the picture quality and decide what looks best to you and costs what you want to spend.
- Make sure to discuss accessories (cables, power centers, mounting brackets, etc.) and how to connect your plasma to all your sources.
- Talk with knowledgeable sales staff and they will help you pick out the right TV to fit your individual needs.
- Ask the personal preference of the salesperson if you like them and they seem knowledgeable.
- Read reviews, read magazines and visit your local consumer electronics store to see how the sets actually look
- .
Nov 11, 2007
How to Hack the School Internet Filter (8E6 R3000)
- # Go to www.google.com/xhtml.
- Type "Codeen Proxy" into the box and search.
- Look at your results and click the one labeled "NNtime Proxy lists: records 1 to 50", or something similar to this.
- Open a second browser window and go to Portable Apps [1] and download "Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition".
- After your download finishes, open the application, and extract the files to a folder of your choosing (it doesn't matter where just as long as there is sufficient space).
- Go into the folder where you extracted Firefox and launch the application.
- After firefox loads go into the settings (Tools>Options...), click on the advanced tab, and click network settings.
- After the settings window opens, click "manual proxy configuration".
- Go back to the first window you opened and copy an ip address of your choosing and paste it into the box just below "manual proxy configuration". After that, type the corresponding port number into the box to the right of the ip address.
- AFTER the above steps have been completed, click ok to apply all settings and close the window. Then click ok again to close the preferences menu.
- You should now be ready to visit any website you heart desires without being blocked by the internet filter. Enjoy!
- Not all codeen proxies work, so if it doesn't work the first time just try another one until you get one that does work.
- To keep things quick, Firefox will retain proxy settings and can be stored on a flash drive.
- This may also work on other internet filters as well.
- This is EASILY detectable by the School Division's IT dept. Even if you get away with it once or twice, be prepared to get caught.
- If you have nosy teachers, keep all unused windows minimized to avoid suspicion.
- If teachers decide to walk over and ask to view the windows on your task bar, consider an application called "acehide". It allows you to set a hotkey to entirely hide a window from view, off the taskbar and even off the ctrl-alt-del menu.
- Alternatively, you can also just resize the task bar so it's off the screen. You can always pull it back up later, and if you need the start menu, just hit the windows key.
- You can also use a program called WinXHide which helps hides programs with a combination of 2 keys.This would be better than a hotkey as teachers may see wat key you are pressing.
How to Bypass a School Filter
- Find a proxy site. Just do a search for "free online proxies". this will provide you with a number of proxies to bypass filters.
- Some schools' filters block most proxy sites, so you have to find one that works.
- When you find a proxy site, type the name of the site you want to access into the box. Most sites have a checkbox that says "block scripts". It is better to uncheck this
- Some schools use proxy services (such as Bess) to do the filtering. It may be possible to disable it by going into Internet Explorer and choosing Tools>Internet Options>Conections Tab>Lan Settings... and unchecking the "Use a proxy server for your LAN". It can be reenabled prior to leaving. In the likely event that this ability is disabled, one can use a registry editor to change the value of "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable" to 0.
- Hit the go button and you will get to your favourite site!
- Pr0xy DragonProxy and that type of thing. If you can, locate a system is that the same location as you. If not, a proxy works very slowly!
- If none of these work, download and install Firefox and manually change the proxy seetings by going to Tools > Options > Connection Settings > And change the Proxy Settings to a proxy. Go to ask.com and search proxy lists.
- Some web filters only block the domain name for restricted websites. Therefore, if you you try to browse to the IP address of the website, it may work.
- If the web filter blocked even the IP address of the site, you can take each number in the IP and convert it to a Hexadecimal format. Then in the browser enter http:// 0x(hex1).0x(hex2).0x(hex3).0x(hex4). There is a script at http://helpfulhacks.com/blocked/ that will do this for you.
- Another easy way is to download a program such as OperaTor. It automatically connects to servers and there is almost no setup. This can be slow though.
- Use a number of different proxy sites so you are less likely to have one blocked.
- When you go to Google to search for proxies, use Quotations and reword some words like web with say, network.
- Ask your friends or other resources for sites.
- The best idea to stay out of trouble at school is to not go to blocked and or banned websites at school.
- Another piece of software you can use is called Pingfu, which can be found at http://www.artofping.com.
- Some filters dont block https:// sites, it may be possible to access a cgi proxy through a site such as https://www.junkblender.com
- If your school blocks a certain proxy sometimes you can google it then click on "cahched" which will display the page and be able to use the proxy. Adaptive firewalls will catch this and permanently block the site. Also putting spaces in words like p r o x y . a b c 1 2 3 . c o m is a way to search the proxy without the filter catching it.
- Don't be stupid. This basically means that you don't just use your proxy to look up inappropriate material. If you do that, you deserve to be caught—not to mention that a lot of schools can track that anyway, even if you did delete the history.
- Don't assume your schools IT Administrator is dumb. He/She would have studied pretty hard to get to where they're at. So if you think you are automatically smarter than them, don't even think about trying this. However, if you know you are smarter than them, feel free to do this.
- The school will still keep track of your history, so don't go looking up things you shouldn't.
- The school may block certain MIME types e.g. mp3 files. A proxy will not let you download these.
- Don't do this if your school uses SonicWALL Content Filter Service, you'll get in trouble.
- CIPAFilter will analyze each page for context-sensitive words. Certain schools will log if you go to a an already banned site, be warned.
- Don't use Firefox 1 or Opera. It will also get you into trouble. If you want to get past the school filter try Firefox 2 which you can get from download.com . It's great and it has no censors, so nobody knows you're using it or downloaded and deleted it.
- Don't tell other students your proxy! Nothing is more annoying than the rat who ruins your Internet access. Of course this ruins the 3rd tip.
- Some schools employ a remote desktop administration system, allowing them to actually monitor your computer's screen from the IT Office, as well as the option of controlling your computer remotely with their mouse and keyboard.. If this is the case, they will see you visiting a proxy website, and you will be found out.
How to Hack Into Security Cameras Via Internet
- Open up your favorite browser (mine is firefox, it works best).
- Using the browser do a google search of any of the following links(numbers 3-36)(some of the links below are actually websites, like if they say "Site:" before the link, so go to the site using Firefox):
- inurl:/view.shtml
- intitle:”Live View / - AXIS” | inurl:view/view.shtml^
- inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=
- inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=Refresh
- inurl:axis-cgi/jpg
- inurl:axis-cgi/mjpg (motion-JPEG)
- inurl:view/indexFrame.shtml
- inurl:view/index.shtml
- inurl:view/view.shtml
- liveapplet
- intitle:”live view” intitle:axis
- intitle:liveapplet
- allintitle:”Network Camera NetworkCamera”
- intitle:axis intitle:”video server”
- intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl
- intitle:”EvoCam” inurl:”webcam.html”
- intitle:”Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed”
- intitle:”Live View / - AXIS”
- intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 206M”
- intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 206W”
- intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 210″
- inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
- inurl:”MultiCameraFrame?Mode=Motion”
- intitle:start inurl:cgistart
- intitle:”WJ-NT104 Main Page”
- intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
- intitle:snc-cs3 inurl:home/
- intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/
- intitle:”sony network camera snc-p1″
- intitle:”sony network camera snc-m1″
- site:.viewnetcam.com -www.viewnetcam.com
- intitle:”Toshiba Network Camera” user login
- intitle:”netcam live image”
- intitle:”i-Catcher Console - Web Monitor”
- After you Google a link you'll see some Google shearch results, click on any one of them.
- Then you will either see a whole bunch of images of a security camera ,or the screen of a single camera.
- Once you have clicked on one of the images or have loaded the link with the single camera you are ready to have some fun. Using the control panel on the left of your screen you can use the arrow buttons to pan the camera, the zomm buttons to zoom in or out, and even swith between different preset postions.
- If you are really creepy and doing this to spy on a preticular person I guess you can scroll down the control panel and click "Capture Image" to take a picture of the cameras screen, but like I said you would be really creepy or maybe your just looking at seenery, that's your bisness.
- After you get tired of one camera go back and click on another one.
- Watch out on one of these links one guy has the cameras in his shower & bedroom.
- Only works on security cameras that are conected to the net.
- If YOU CAN'T PAN THE CAMERA check the top of the control panel. If it displays "Locked" that means these people are smart and actually care about their cameras security, that sucks for you hackers.
- If any of the links do not work, don't delete them just add "disconnected" next to them, in parantheses, thank you!
- Please feel free to vote for, discuss, and share this article!!!
- Do not try this with out using a browser you could get in some deep trouble!
- Don't try this at school if you have teachers walking around the computers.
- DON'T STAY ON THESE LINKS TO LONG(30 minutes is a good limit) YOU CAN BE TRACKED DOWN. Of course, you can always Change your IP Address (Windows) and they can't do anything.
How to Hack Computer Passwords
- If you are still logged on to the Administrator account you can change user profiles using the following steps:
- Go to the green "Start Button" and click "Run" then in the text box type "cmd" without the quotes.
- Type "NET USER" then press "ENTER"
- Then again type net user Compaq_owner then press Enter
- To change password press enter 2 times
- reset password to what ever you want.
- # If you are Logged out of the computer and cannot figure out the password at the start up screen, do the following:
- Restart the computer and toggle the F5 button.
- You will get screen that will ask you if you want to boot with command prompt (that is one way) or boot in safe mode without command prompt.
- The computer will boot in safe mode in a small window and you will see a menu that asks which account you want to access. We know that the other accounts you can't get into but there will be a new acount called "COMPUTER ADMINISTRATOR".
- Click COMPUTER ADMINISTRATOR and go to settings/control panel/user accounts
- Remove password.
- Print out this page and have on hand for reference if you forget the steps.
- To practice bypassing passwords for speed make a password you know and restart the computer and get the timing right for the boot F5 menu.
- Speed, Speed, Speed the faster you can do these simple steps and get in and out the better.
- Dont tell people that you can get in there computer, just get in and leave them some goodies of some kind. Be creative and have fun.
- Do not delete files that are not yours.
Nov 10, 2007
How To Convert VHS to DVD
There's more than one reason to convert your old VHS tapes to DVD. VHS tapes and VCRs are fast becoming an obsolete technology-many may argue that they already are. If there's any footage that you want to preserve that's currently in a VHS format, now's the time. VCRs are still available, as are services and machines that will help you convert your VHS tapes to DVD. If you continue to wait, you'll see fewer and fewer opportunities to make this change and save your VHS footage.
Another concern is damage. Even if your VCR doesn't eat your VHS tape, the film in it will slowly degrade over time-whether you play it often or you don't. VHS tapes can start falling apart in as little as 3 years, whereas DVDs can last anywhere form 20 to (some say) even 250 years. Whether it's your favorite blockbuster movie or a sentimental home video, you should make the switch from VHS to DVD sooner rather than later.
- Use a Combination Unit. If you have a combination DVD/VHS machine, you may be able to easily transfer data from a VHS tape to a DVD. Check to see if the DVD component of your DVD/VHS machine has a recording option. If it does, you should be able to insert a blank DVD R (or DVD-RW) into the DVD tray of your machine, insert the VHS tape that you want to transfer into the VCR portion of the machine and then follow the steps in your particular machine's instruction manual to complete the process. You will not be able to modify the video, so if you need to altar the menus or chapters, you should not use this method. Otherwise using a combination unit is the simplest and fastest way to convert a VHS tape to a DVD.
Note: You may need to finalize your burned DVD before removing it from the DVD/VCR unit, otherwise it might not play in standard DVD players.
- Use a Video Camera. If you have a digital video camcorder, you can use it as an intermediary to convert your VHS tapes to a DVD format. You'll need to hook your VCR up to your video camera using composite video cables (the red, white and yellow cables). If you don't have these, you'll need to purchase them from any electronics store. Attach these cables to your VCR's video out port and to the video in port on your camcorder. Different makes and models of camcorders work differently, so your best bet is to read your camcorder's instruction manual to determine the exact steps. With the press of a few buttons you should have your VHS data on your video camcorder. You can then transfer that data to a DVD by connecting your camcorder to your computer or DVD burner.
Note: You may need an analog-to-digital converter to use between your VCR and camcorder if your camcorder does not have this feature built in.
- Use a Computer. You'll need an analog-to-digital converter to use as a middleman between your VCR and computer to convert VHS data into a format that your computer can recognize. There are a variety of converters available. Depending on the quality and precision you're looking for in your new DVD, you may need to do some research to determine which product is best for you. You also need to ensure that your computer can burn DVDs. Just because it can burn CDs does not automatically mean it burns DVDs as well. Devices like Hewlett-Packard's DVD Movie writer solve this problem by providing the analog-to-digital conversion and the DVD burning hardware in one machine.
- Use an External DVD Burner. Believe it or not there are machines made for just this purpose. If you have a lot of VHS tapes to transfer to DVD, or you don't mind buying some extra hardware, purchasing an external device might be the way to go. For $100-$150 you can get a decent DVD burner that will hook right up to your VCR and create DVDs from your VHS tapes in no time.
- Use a VHS to DVD Conversion Service. If you don't want to deal with wires and buttons and the responsibility of converting your VHS tapes into DVDs yourself, there are a variety of VHS to DVD conversion services that would be happy to create a DVD for you-for a fee of course. Sites like Home Movie Depot and APM Studio will transfer your VHS tapes to DVD for anywhere from $10 to $30, depending on what specific services you require.
Make a TV Antenna With a Potato
- Purchase a fruit or vegetable. Oranges tend to last the longest and potatoes work well too.
- Buy an aerial lead.
- Attach the aerial to the fruit or vegetable(the pin inside the tip of the lead is the only part that should be pressed into the fruit or vegetable.)
- Take a piece of electrical tape or similar and tape the lead onto the fruit or vegetable so it does not become dislodged.
- Plug the other end of the aerial lead into the back of your television.
- You can also do this with your PC. Just buy an aerial adaptor and plug the aerial lead back into the adaptor.
- This does not work in some cases and you have to move it around alot.
Things You'll Need
- Fruit or vegetable (an orange or potato)
- A common cable cord
- Electrical tape
- A T.V.
Nov 9, 2007
How to Use Aimersoft DVD to iPhone Converter
- Prepare Software. Download Aimersoft DVD to iPhone Converter.
- Load DVD File. Then install and run Aimersoft DVD to iPhone Converter. Load your DVD into the program: click "Load DVD" button or directly click the “File -> Load DVD folder” in the main interface, then select your DVD-ROM in the pop-up window and press the "OK" button. You also can click “Load File” button to import IFO file from your computer hard disk. For Windows Vista user, you may have to run this program as administrator (right click the program shortcut and click run as administrator).
- Select the Chapters you want to Convert. You can convert your whole DVD by highlighting the title which contains all the episodes of the DVD, such as the title 01 in the following screenshot. Or if you like, you can select certain chapters to convert: Press the little button before “Check All” on the interface to find all the chapters in the file.
This software fully supports all kinds of DVD, such as regular DVD movie and DVD MTV. DVD MTV will have several titles, so you can select the desire MTV to convert. - Select the Output iPhone Video Format, Subtitle and Audio. To Format: Click the “Format” combo-box on the interface, the result of setting will be shown on the list, select iPhone Video MPEG-4 (*.mp4), and you will get output format iPhone MP4.
To Subtitle: Regular DVD movies usually have several subtitles, like English, French, German, etc. You can select anyone of these according to your preference. You also can select “No Subtitle”. To Audio: Select Audio the same as way as you selected Subtitle. After all these things done, click “Start” to start the conversion. - Transfer the Video to iPhone. You need iTunes version 7.30 or later to sync music and video to the iPhone. If you don’t have iTunes yet, you can download free from iTunes Download Center If you already have iTunes, just create a play list: Drag your music and video to the list, connect your iPhone to computer via USB cable, then click iTunes “File -> Sync iPhone”, and it's done.
- Note: This software not only supports the iPhone, but also supports iPod and Apple TV. It can convert DVD in resolution from 320*240 up to 1280*720. So you just need one software to convert DVD to iPhone, iPod and Apple TV.
The iPhone can support M4A, MP3 and AAC audio formats, if you want to rip audio from DVD to iPhone, just select the format you prefer, such as "MP3 - MPEG Layer-3 Audio (*.mp3)".
This software embeds two encoders XviD & H.264. H.264 takes longer time to convert DVD, but provides better quality and small file size. - For more DVD to iPhone Converter, you can refer this DVD to iPhone Converter review iPhone
- Ripping DVDs that are not yours is illegal.
Make Laptop Screens Readable Outdoors

It isn't easy to see the screen of your laptop when you move outdoors. The glare can make it a useless exercise unless you know what to do. So, if you'd like to sit outside and type to the tune of the whistling birds and the sit amidst the warm breeze, here is how to improve the outdoor laptop experience.
- Get a laptop that already has a high luminosity (brightness) if you can. This means that you'll have to compare the candela/square meter figures.
- Choose a matte display over a glossy one. This will help to avoid any reflections. If you already have a glossy one, you can always buy a special foil that makes it matte.
- Try to find a wall socket somewhere close by. The reason for this is that high luminosity usually means high power consumption (screens need the most energy in a laptop).
- Consider either buying or DIYing a 'laptop hood'. This is white on the outside (to reduce heat buildup) and black on the inside (to reduce glare). Or, you can stick your laptop into a simple cardboard box. This will prevent heat build-up for the laptop and other items, such as USB mice.
- Find a bit of shade if possible and experiment with different angles to find the position which gives you the best readability.
- You might also purchase a long extension cord for outdoor usage that will provide you with power, to avoid chewing up the battery. If you do this, make sure it is not dangling on walkways or hanging off anything that could catch people and pets.
- Heat build-up. The sun can make a black/dark-colored laptop very hot and not only painful to touch but also damaging for the components.
- Watch out for the ghost!! :)
How to Wholesale Consumer Electronics from China
So how easy is it to buy directly from China and take advantage of the profit margins from their cheap prices?
- Getting The Newest Gadgets
- Online sellers know the power of being the one carrying new products. Even better are unique products. If you're sourcing electronics direct from the source in China you will be ahead of the pack for selling new products, and you could even be the only person in your country selling certain models.
- What About Communication Problems?
- A common reason why small and medium electronics retail business owners are nervous about looking for suppliers in China is that they're uncertain about communicating with Chinese businesses. There's no longer any cause for concern: all electronics export companies in China will have at least a few staff who are good at communicating in English. Also, you'll easily find product descriptions and price quotations in English, from these Chinese electronics companies which are getting better at marketing to international importers.
- How Are Electronics Delivered From China?
- You've heard of the 'global village' - although China is a long way away, it's actually not hard to ship products in any quantity from there to any international destination. Your suppliers will probably be able to advise on what's best for their products.
- Choose couriers like DHL or FedEx for small or urgent shipments. Talk to forwarders in China or Hong Kong for assistance setting up larger shipments via air containers or sea freight.
- Wholesalers, MOQ
- Many would-be importers from China are put off by demands from Chinese suppliers for large first orders - in the range of thousands of pieces, and commitments to buy more. A better way to get into importing from China is often to form a relationship with a professional Chinese wholesaler.
- The Chinese electronics wholesaler ElectronicsMass.Com, for example, already has close supply relationships with local factories and so can offer all the low-priced new products with low minimum order quantity. This enables new importers to test different products' success with little risk, by buying a range of samples and starting with small quantity orders, before committing to large bulk purchasing.
- Drop-Shipping - The Perfect Import Business?
- New importers from China are often nervous about building up stock which they can't sell. High value items like electronics can add up to a big business risk, if you are holding stock waiting to sell it.
- One solution to this difficulty is dropshipping. You can advertise the products you've found from Chinese suppliers, but only pay for them when you receive orders. The Chinese dropshipper then delivers straight to your customer. You keep the profit without the risk, and without the hassle of handling and packing goods.
- Low Risk Payment To Chinese Suppliers
- With online wholesalers you can usually choose to pay in many international currencies, and even submit payment "the eBay way" - through Paypal secure online ordering. Paypal offers total protection for buyers, and dealing with their approved online electronics wholesalers will give you extra peace of mind.
- Can You Afford NOT To Source From China?
- China has been described as the world's factory. The unbelievably cheap production costs for consumer electronics in China are well known to everybody.
- Online wholesalers simply let you put those products straight in your cart, without all the hassle - and middlemen - normally associated with the import trade. With no sales taxes added or hidden charges, the price you pay.
- About ElectronicsMass.Com
- ElectronicsMass.Com is a Professional Electronics Exporter and Wholesaler with direct cooperative factories located in China Mainland. Consumer Electronics, Latops and PC Parts,Car Audio and Home Electronics are our main products. We also keep on developing more and more new and good products to meet the demand of our customers.
- Serve the entire wholesale/distribution business helping you do the direct wholesale and distribution from China and create cost advantage/profit for you to further develop your business in your local country.
- Good quality+Reasonable price+Excellent after-sales service=Long time relationship
- Welcome check out ElectronicsMass.Com(http://electronicsmass.com) and start reaping your China importing profits now.