
Nov 11, 2007

How to Hack Computer Passwords

Here are 2 ways to change passwords on a Windows XP computer if you have forgot or dont know the password.


  1. If you are still logged on to the Administrator account you can change user profiles using the following steps:
  2. Go to the green "Start Button" and click "Run" then in the text box type "cmd" without the quotes.
  3. Type "NET USER" then press "ENTER"
  4. Then again type net user Compaq_owner then press Enter
  5. To change password press enter 2 times
  6. reset password to what ever you want.
  7. # If you are Logged out of the computer and cannot figure out the password at the start up screen, do the following:
  8. Restart the computer and toggle the F5 button.
  9. You will get screen that will ask you if you want to boot with command prompt (that is one way) or boot in safe mode without command prompt.
  10. The computer will boot in safe mode in a small window and you will see a menu that asks which account you want to access. We know that the other accounts you can't get into but there will be a new acount called "COMPUTER ADMINISTRATOR".
  11. Click COMPUTER ADMINISTRATOR and go to settings/control panel/user accounts
  12. Remove password.
  13. Print out this page and have on hand for reference if you forget the steps.


  • To practice bypassing passwords for speed make a password you know and restart the computer and get the timing right for the boot F5 menu.
  • Speed, Speed, Speed the faster you can do these simple steps and get in and out the better.
  • Dont tell people that you can get in there computer, just get in and leave them some goodies of some kind. Be creative and have fun.


  • Do not delete files that are not yours.

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